Friday, 11 April 2014

Q1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

 I started to look at different codes and conventions of magazines and the main things which feature on       them. I then decided I was going to base my magazine on rock music so I specifically started looking at       codes and conventions of rock magazines such as Rock Sound and Kerrang making a liarr analysis for a main cover, contence page and a double page spread of a Kerrang magazine. Looking at how they linked all three together and at certain colour schemes, fonts, and layout and deciding which ones I was going to use to create a realistic product that will appeal to my audience and sub-audience. The colour scheme on my magazine is black, white, red and some yellow; this is because these are the colours that are widely used in rock magazines and connote different things to an audience whilst also stating a specific genre.

(Screen shots)

I looked at the fonts used for the masthead of rock magazines such as Kerrang; it has a cracked font to represent how loud the genre of music is, and a sigh of rebellion.  Rock Sound is also cracked slightly but has a much simpler font than kerrang. So I have chosen to have my font with breakages in it so it is similar and represent the same thing, but I then combined it with the simple title from rock sound to make it original

(screen shots)

Looking at Kerrang for my style and layout influence I created my final products. I then did a liarr analysis to make sure I had included all the main codes and conventions of a magazine and the less obvious ones that link with certain genres of magazine, rock.  In doing so I was able to see if all of my products are believable and realistic. I have shown clear links between the three products by using the same colour scheme, and font throughout. The font used helps create that rebellious rock star image which is then reinforced by the heavy use of black and red.  I have also place an image of the same model on all three of my products to show a clear link between them and place a little bit of the article on each of them. I have also added piercings and tattoos to my model as most rock stars have them as well as a crazy hair colour, red. This helps connote the rock genre as well as like my products with a certain audience and social group.

(liarr analysis)

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